Sunday, July 13, 2008

Cadbury report

'The Cadbury Report, titled Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance, is a report of a committee chaired by Adrian Cadbury that sets out recommendations on the arrangement of company boards and accounting systems to mitigate corporate governance risks and failures. The report was published in 1992. The report's recommendations have been adopted in varying degree by the Europian Union, the United States, the World Bank, and others.' This is the definition that Wikipedia gave which I don't understand a single bit.

Here's another definition :

The Cadbury Report, is a report, which gives a recommendation on the
arrangement of company boards and accounting systems, to reduce corporate governance risks and failures. It is titled Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance and was published in 1992. Many large organizations such as the Europian Union, the United States and the World Bank has made use of some of the recommendations.

The committee, chaired by Sir Adrian Cadbury, to write the report, was established in response to the occurrence of financial scandals in the 1980’s involving UK listed Companies, which led to a fall in investor confidence in the quality of company’s financial reporting. Their aims were to investigate the British corporate
governance system and to suggest improvements to restore investor confidence in the system.

The Committee was set up in May 1991 by the Financial Reporting Council, the London Stock Exchange, and the accountancy profession. The report embodied recommendations based on practical experiences and with an eye on the US experience, further elaborated after a process of consultation and widely accepted. The final report was released in December 1992 and then applied to listed companies reporting their accounts after 30th June 1993.

As such the Committee addressed the financial aspects of corporate governance and subsequently produced a Code of Best Practice which all boards of UK listed companies should follow. They recommended that listed companies should incorporate a formal statement into their Report and Accounts outlining whether or not they complied with each of the Code’s provisions. A reason is to be given if they do not comply. The Report also recommended that the compliance statements made by the companies be reviewed by auditors before releasing their Annual Report.

The key focus of the provisions of the Code of Best Practice relates to the composition of the Board of Director’s, the appointment and independence of non-executive directors, the service contracts and remuneration of executive directors, and company’s financial reporting and controls.

Some of the main recommendations made are as follows:
• The majority of non-executive directors should be independent of management and free from any business or other relationship;
• non-executive directors should be appointed for specified terms;
• service contracts should not exceed three years;
• executive remuneration should be subject to the recommendations of a Remuneration Committee made up entirely or mainly of non-executive directors; and
• an Audit Committee, comprising of at least three non-executive’s, should be established.

Following publication of the Code, the London Stock Exchange introduced a requirement into the Listing Rules requesting all companies to include a statement of compliance, or non-compliance, with the provisions, in their annual Report and Accounts. Furthermore, institutional investors and Investment banks urged those listed companies for which they provided sponsorship and advice to adopt the provisions. As a result many companies changed their governance procedures and conduct accordingly.


How the PEST affect Cheryl's dad's environment

Political Environment

As my dad is the owner of a tuition centre, he is required to apply for a licence with the education department before the teachers can start teaching. Each of the teachers teaching at the tuition centre also needs to have a licence to teach there. For safety reasons, he also has to fix a fire extinguisher in each of the classrooms as well as have a few emergency exits in case of a fire. As the government has determined the maximum number of hours each teacher is allowed to be teaching a week, my father has to make sure that that rule is abided by all the teachers.

Economic Environment

Because of the recent increase in oil and food price, all the teachers increased their fees.

Social Environment

It has become a trend that school alone is not enough. Students now are unable to study and revise by themselves. Instead they take tuition classes for every single subject. As that is so, the demand for tuition teachers has also increased.

Technological Environment

The improvement of technology nowadays constributes to modern teaching skills. The teachers use dics instead of tape, projectors instead of the old blackboard and chalk. Even the students use their phones to look up meanings of words instead of using the dictionary.

About My Mother

Meet my beloved mom
My mother is a tailor. She is the owner of Sister Tailor, located at Taping, Perak. My mom started her business in 1985; it has been operated for 23 years. My mother mostly does all the important things like taking customers’ measurement, cutting out the outline. Then the outline will be distributed to her workers who are my mom’s relative to sew it.

Social arrangement of my mom’s company is very simple. It consists of my mom, the owner, and two workers working under her instruction.

My mom’s company collective goals are to meet customers’ demands regardless how difficult they are. Besides, her company would like to produce high quality of malay clothes to customers to satisfy them. Other than that, my mom's company wishes to make the baju kurung, baju kebaya and so forth more trendy.

My mom’s company controls their performance by ensuring her staffs possess necessary skills. Other than that, my mom always supervising her worker to avoid mistake happen. Furthermore, my mom takes good care of worker's social, like giving them annual holidays.

My mom’s company is just restricted in Taiping area only. Most of the regular customers are local people from Taiping city. Sister Tailor is sole proprietorship as my mom is doing business in her own name and in which there is only one owner.

~Pei Leng~


How PEST affect the organization that they are working.


My mom is the owner of the Sister Tailor. Because of that, she needs to adhere to certain laws. For example, she needs to follow the Employment Law in order to maintain her company reputation. My mom is responsible to takes care of workers’ welfare, give them annual leave, and also minimum wages. Besides, she needs to install fire alarm in her company to ensure safety of workers in case her company catch fire. My mom must abide all the laws in order not to sue by the worker.


Increasing price of the thread and fabric will affect my mom’s organization. Customers that belong to middle and lower class of the society will unable to afford the huge cost. They will choose to buy traditional Malay clothes at market instead of patronizing my mom’s shop. As a result, this will certainly contribute loss to my mom’s shop.


Malaysia consists of three major races that are Malay, Chinese and Indian. If there is an increase in Malay population in Taiping, my mom’s shop will gain a lot of profit. This is because; mainly of her customers is Malay. Other than that, rising in standards of living in Taiping will contribute a lot of business to my mom.


Sewing machines are essential component for my mom’s organization. Without it, productivity will be very low as workers need to sew it by themselves and thus consume a lot of time. Then, it will contribute loss to my mom‘s shop as customers will look for more efficient shop.

~Pei leng~


What is PEST??
PEST factors refer to the:
  • political change
  • economical change
  • social change
  • technological change

How do them affect MoNKeY's dad occupation??


When the government changes the language of teaching Science and Mathematics into English instead of Chinese in Chinese primary school, my dad and his staff at school have to arrange teachers for training so that they can handle the class afterwards.


As the economics of the country changes, the budget of the school also changes. The price of books from suppliers also varies. Hence they have to find some alternatives in order to get lower prices and better qualities of books.


Nowadays the discipline of students are no longer the same as what we undergoes before. Besides parents are so protective towards their children now. Hence the school have to change their policies in handling the students now. 'Canning' education is no longer working to the generation now.


The improvement of technology nowadays constributes to modern teaching skills. The school now uses computer and projectors in certain subjects for teaching instead of using chalks and blackboard.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Shinn's Dad

My dad, Leslie See, is one of the four partners in a private limited construction company named Kindah Construction based in Shah Alam. He is the the Executive Director of the company and the business focuses more on the constructions of houses, warehouses and infrastructures. The two major roles that my dad does are the marketing to obtain clients as well as site supervising and surveying to ensure the landscape can be used for construction.

The social arrangement of Kindah Construction starts off with the Chairman who holds the highest seat in the construction business. Following and below the Chairman is the Managing Director. Under the Managing Director are both the Chief Operating Officer and the Executive Directer who are on equal seatings. These are then followed up by five departments which are the administration, accounts, contracts, purchasing and project department.

Getting good developers and good paymasters are the collective goals of the organization. Other than that, the collective goals of the company includes completing and fulfilling their contracts on time with minimum cost and maximum profit. Kindah Construction controls their performance in a few ways. Among the few ways are having weekly or monthly meeting, organizing training programs and having site meetings. The company is also following the United Kingdom's ISO Quality Management System Standards which has been approved by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance.

As of now, the company boundary is within the Penisular Malaysia, but the company is having a future oversea outlook. The company mostly does private jobs which has nothing to do with the government and therefore the government do not majorly affect the business. However government policies such as raising petrol fuel prices has affected the company's business. An example would be people giving up on thier plans to buy houses due to rise in petrol fuel prices.

Types of Ownership of Company


A sole proprietorship is a type of business entity which legally has no separate existence from its owner. Hence, the limitations of liability enjoyed by a corporation and limited liability partnerships do not apply to sole proprietors. All debts of the business are debts of the owner. It is a "sole" proprietorship in the sense that the owner has no partners. A sole proprietorship is not a corporation; it does not pay corporate taxes, but rather the person who organized the business pays personal income taxes on the profits made, making accounting much simpler. A sole proprietorship does not have to be concerned with double taxation, as a corporate entity would have to.
A sole proprietor may do business with a trade name other than his or her legal name. In some jurisdictions, for example the United States, the sole proprietor is required to register the trade name or "Doing Business As" with a government agency. This also allows the proprietor to open a business account with banking institutions.
Advantages of Sole Proprietorship
An entrepreneur may opt for the sole proprietorship legal structure because no additional work must be done to start the business. In most cases, there are no legal formalities to forming or dissolving a business. A sole proprietor is not separate from the individual; what the business makes, so does the individual. At the same time, all of the individual's non-protected assets (e.g homestead or qualified retirement accounts) are at risk. There is not necessarily better control or business administration possible with a sole proprietorship, only increased risks. For example, a single member corporation or limited company still only has one owner, who can make decisions quickly without having to consult others.
Furthermore, in most jurisdictions, a sole proprietorship files simpler tax returns to report its business activity. Typically a sole proprietorship reports its income and deductions on the individual's personal tax return. In comparison, an identical small business operating as a corporation or partnership would be required to prepare and submit a separate tax return. A sole proprietorship often has the advantage of the least government regulation.
Disadvantages of Sole Proprietorship
A business organized as a sole trader will likely have a hard time raising capital since shares of the business cannot be sold, and there is a smaller sense of legitimacy relative to a business organized as a corporation or limited liability company. It can also sometimes be more difficult to raise bank finance, as sole proprietorships cannot grant a floating charge which in many jurisdictions is required for bank financing. Hiring employees may also be difficult. This form of business will have unlimited liability, so that if the business is sued, the proprietor is personally liable. The life span of the business is also uncertain. As soon as the owner decides not to have the business anymore, or the owner dies, the business ceases to exist.
Another disadvantage of a sole proprietorship is that as a business becomes successful, the risks accompanying the business tend to grow. To minimize those risks, a sole proprietor has the option of forming a corporation.


A partnership occurs when you decide to pool capital and work together with at least one more person. In this form of business, you and your partners are joint-owners of the business and therefore will share the business profits and risks.

Advantages of Partnership

  • more expertise and more resources for capital.
  • business risks can be distributed and shared among partners.

Limitations of Partnership

  • All partners carry the same responsibilities. This means that you are liable for risks and debts of the business even if it is caused by the actions of your partners. With unlimited liability, each partner is also liable to use their private resources to meet the partnership's debts.
  • Disagreements and disputes may occur among partners and this may disrupt business plans or operational efficiency.
  • A Partnership’s lifespan is limited – it may end if any one of the partners has mental disorder, falls bankrupt, resigns or dies.


- A public company usually refers to a company that is permitted to offer its registered finance (stock, bond, etc) for sale to the general public, typically through a stock exchange.
-Usually, the finance (securities) of a public company are owned by many investors while the shares of a private company are relatively few shareholders

- Able to raise funds and capital through the sale of its securities.
- May issue their securities as compensation for those that provide services to company, such as their directors, officers, and employees


- Required to public financial information that could be useful to competitors


My dad is government worker, and I sure you will be so familiar with the post as every one of us had met ‘this guy’ before. Guess what is his occupation? That’s right. He is a headmaster (HM) of a primary school, the school named SJK(C) Cheroh.

As what we all know, the role of a HM is to ensure that the school runs well, both academically or in cocuricular activities. Actually the working area of a HM covers the management of an entire school as well, with associated by the clerk and the Vice HM.

The organization chart of the school is as follow:

The school has it’s own mission, that is to teach the students thoroughly so that they become useful people to the country as they grow up. Besides the school mission, it also has its vision as well, that is to have improvement every year and becomes a dedicated school by the year of 2020.

In order to achieve the mission and vision of the school, my dad will have a meeting with all the staffs and workers as well as the teachers weekly to know the progress of the syllabus and so as the school managements. They will discuss on the problems they faced in their lesson and find out the solutions through the meeting. The teachers will work together to ensure that the academic and cocuricular level of the students are in control. By the way they also have to take care on the safety of the students whenever a lesson or a programme is being carry on.

Parent's Organization

Cheryl's Dad

My father is the Principle of Pusat Tuition Ilmu Maju (PTIM). His role in this organization is to attend to the administration of the tuition centre. He also tutors students.

1. The social arrangement of the organization is as follows :

2. The collective goals of the organization is to be 'The Complete Learning Centre'.

3. The Objectives of the organization is divided in to 3 parts:
a) to the teachers

  • to be able to share their knowledge with more students with their excellent teaching skills.
  • to earn a supplemental income in a legalized environment
  • to teach in a better organized environment
b) to the supporting staff

  • to enjoy the experience of achieving both personal and PTIM mission
  • acquiring working experiences involved in an excellent teaching environment
  • to be involved in making PTIM the complete learning centre
c) to the students

  • to equip students with knowledge and skills so as to develop an edge over others in facing the challenges ahead
  • to enable students to learn from different teachers and enjoy different teaching methods
  • to enable students to acquire knowledge in a better organized environment

4. PTIM controls its performance by

  • having a monthly meeting for teachers to obtain feedback from them
  • having a suggestion box for students and parents to fill
  • comparing the results of the students with previous years


The internal memory is used to store critical software needed to operate the computer and application programmes or data which the computer is currently working on. It is located very closed to the CPU chip and is sometimes considered part of the CPU.
Memory size measurements:
· 1 bit = 0 or 1
· 8 bits = 1 byte represents 1 character
· 1 Kilobyte (Kb) is approximately 1 000 bytes
· 1 Megabyte (Mb) is approximately 1 million bytes
· 1 Gigabyte (Gb) is approximately 1 billion bytes

Types of memory

Read-only memory (usually known by its acronym, ROM) is a class of
storage media used in computers and other electronic devices. It is also known as the permanent memory that store the startup programmes as the contents cannot ne changed by users and unaffected by power failure.

Random access memory (also known as RAM) is a type of computer data storage. It is also known as the working memory of the computer. It takes the form of integrated circuits that allow the stored data to be access at any order, i.e. at random. It is a volatile memory as the contents ate erased when the computer is switched off.


What is a bus??

A bus is a collection of wires which data is transmitted from one part of a computer to another. It is not a point-to-point connection. By the way it can logically connect several peripherals over the same set of wires and each bus defines its set of connectors to physically plug devices, cards or cables together. It connects all the internal components of a computer to the motherboard. It is also known as local bus as it is intended to connect to local devices, not to those in other machines or external to the computer.

Examples of internal computer buses

There are two types of internal computer buses:
· Low Pin Count or LPC
· Extended ISA or EISA
· Peripheral Component Interconnect or PCI
· Industry Standard Architecture or ISA

· HyperTransport
· PCI Express or PCIe
· I2C


Timing is essential in PC operations. Without some means of synchronization, chaos would ensue. Timing allows the electronic devices in the computer to coordinate and execute all internal commands in the proper order.

How does it function??

Timing is achieved by placing a special conductor in the CPU and pulsing it with voltage. Each pulse of voltage received by this conductor is called a "clock cycle." All the switching activity in the computer occurs while the clock is sending a pulse. This process somewhat resembles several musicians using a metronome to synchronize their playing, with all the violinists moving their bows at the same time.
Virtually every computer command needs at least two clock cycles. Some commands might require hundreds of clock cycles to process.

Clock Speed
It is common for computers to be marketed to consumers based on features that show off their best points. One principal selling point is the system clock rate-measured in megahertz (MHz) or millions of cycles per second. The clock rate suggests how many commands can be completed in two cycles (the minimum time required to execute a command). The process of adding two numbers together would take about four commands (eight clock cycles). A computer running at 450 MHz can do about 44 million simple calculations per second.
Clock speed is determined by the CPU manufacturer and represents the fastest speed at which the CPU can be reliably operated. The Intel 8088 processor, as used in the original IBM PC, had a clock speed of 4.77 MHz. Today's processors have clock speeds that run up to and, in some, exceed 750 MHz.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008



Central Processing Unit(CPU)

A Central Processing Unit (CPU), or processor, is a description of a class of logic machines that can execute computer programmes. The CPU is the brains of the computer where most calculations take place. In terms of computing power, the CPU is the most important element of a computer system. Many of today's PCs use either an Intel Pentium 4 or its cheaper and slower cousin, the Celeron. Another popular processor is the AMD Athlon 64. The speed of the processor is measured in either megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz). The faster the speed of the processor, the faster the PC will perform, and surely the higher the price of the computer will be.

On large machines, CPUs require one or more printed circuit boards. On personal computers and small workstations, the CPU is housed in a single chip called a microprocessor. The CPU itself is an internal component of the computer. Modern CPUs are small and square and contain multiple metallic connectors or pins on the underside. The CPU is inserted directly into a CPU socket, pin side down, on the motherboard. Each motherboard will support only a specific type or range of CPU. Modern CPUs also have an attached heat sink and small fan that go directly on top of the CPU to help dissipate heat.

Two typical components of a CPU are the following:

  • The arithmetic logical unit (ALU), which performs arithmetic and logical operations.
  • The control unit (CU), which extracts instructions from memory and decodes and executes them, calling on the ALU when necessary.

Integrated Circuit

An integrated circuit (IC), sometimes called a chip or microchip, is a semiconductor wafer on which thousands or millions of tiny resistors, capacitors, and transistors are fabricated. The first integrated circuit was developed in the 1950s by Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments and Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor. An IC can function as an amplifier, oscillator, timer, counter, computer memory, or microprocessor. A particular IC is categorized as either linear (analogue) or digital, depending on its intended application.

  • Linear ICs are used as audio-frequency (AF) and radio-frequency (RF) amplifiers. The operational amplifier (op amp) is a common device in these applications.
  • Digital ICs are used in computers, computer networks, modems, and frequency counters. The fundamental building blocks of digital ICs are logic gates, which work with binary data, that is, signals that have only two different states, called low (logic 0) and high (logic 1).

Integrated circuits can also be classified by the number of transistors and other electronic components they contain:

  • SSI (small-scale integration): Up to 100 electronic components per chip
  • MSI (medium-scale integration): From 100 to 3,000 electronic components per chip
  • LSI (large-scale integration): From 3,000 to 100,000 electronic components per chip
  • LCSI (very large-scale integration): From 100,000 to 1,000,000 electronic components per chip
  • ULSI (ultra large-scale integration): More than 1 million electronic components per chip


  • A computer is a machine that accepts data, process it and then store or display the results. It comprises hardware and software. All general-purpose computers require central processing unit (CPU), memory, mass storage device, input device and output device.


  • Supercomputer

  • Mainframe

  • Mini computer

  • Micro computer

    v A broad term for one of the fastest computers currently available.

    v Largest and most powerful computer.
    v Able to process large amount of data quickly.
    v Used for immense amounts of mathematical
    calculations (number crunching)
    Eg: weather forecasting, fluid dynamic calculation, nuclear energy research, and supercomputer military defense system, banking and space exploration programmes
    v Major universities, military agencies and scientific research laboratories are heavy users.
    v Manufacturers: Cray Research and Fujitsu.

    v Mainframe was a term originally referring to the cabinet containing the central processor unit or "main frame" of a room-filling Stone Age batch machine.
    v After the emergence of minicomputer, the traditional big iron machines were described as mainframes.
    v Large computer in terms of price , power and speed (measured in million
    s of instructions per second(MIPS) , usually 26-30657MIPS). It can support more than thousands of user simultaneously.
    v Designed to handle very high volume input and output like giga-record or tera-record.
    v For critical applications, typically bulk data processing such as census industry and consumer statistics, Enterprise resourcing planning, and financial transaction procession.
    v Nearly all mainframes have the ability to run (or host) multiple operating systems and thereby operate not as a single computer but as a number of virtual machines.
    v Also known as “Enterprise Server”.
    v Early of 2006, IBM Mainframes dominate the mainframe market at we
    ll over 90% market share.
    v Manufacturers : IBM(International Business Machine Corporation) and HP(Hewlett-Packard)

    v Minicomputer is a largely obsolete term for a class of multi-user computer that lies in the middle range of the computing spectrum, in between the mainframes and micro computer.
    v Is a multiprocessing system capable of supporting from up to 200 users simulta
    v Used by medium to large organizations
    v The first minicomputer was Digital Equipment Corporation’s 12-bit PDP-8, launched in 1964.
    v Manufacturers include IBM, ICL and DEC.

    v Is a computer with a microprocessor as its central processing unit
    v Occupy physically small amounts of space.
    v As of June 2008, the number of personal computers world wide in use hit one billion.
    v Different types of microcomputer:

(a) Personal computer or “PC”
- Small, relatively inexpensive computer designed for an individual user.

(b) Macs” (made by Apple Macintosh)
- I s a brand name which covers several lines of personal computer
designed , developed and marketed by Apple Inc.
- On october 2007, Apple released its forth quarter results , reporting shipment of 2164000 Macs.

(c) Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)
- a hardware specification for handled sized co
- has many of the capabilities of modern dekstop

(d) Palmtop
- a small computer that literally fits in your palm
- mostly do not include disk drives, but may contain slots in which you can insert disk drives, modems and other devices.

Laptops or Notebooks
- an extremely lightweight personal computer
- use a variety of techniques , known as flat-panel technologies

- cost about twice as much as equivalent regular sized computer.
- Come with battery packs

The Essential Components of a Basic Computer (Output)

*under construction*


The Essential Components of a Basic Computer (Storage)

The Essential Components of a Basic Computer (Input)

Input Devices

Input devices are pieces of computer hardwares that are used to enter or provide data for processing in the CPU. These devices can be broken down into two categories which are the human-captured and machine-captured input devices. Human-captured input devices such as the mouse and keyboard are used to manually enter data by the user whereas machine-captured input devices like the smartcard reads and translates data given by electronic devices into digital form before entering entering the data into the computer. Below are some in-depth information on some common input devices.

Keyboard (Human-captured)
Modelled after the typewriter, the computing keyboard is a rigid board which has an arrangement of buttons or keys assembled onto it. Most buttons on the keyboard is special as it has a character engraved onto it and represents a written symbol. However this does not apply to all keys as some symbols require the user to press or hold more than one key simultaneously or in sequence. Some keys on the keyboard such as F1 affect the operation of the computer and does not produce symbols. There are other other alternatives to the regular keyboard such as the wireless keyboard, foldable keyboard, and even the virtual or touchscreen keyboard. Keyboards with extra keys such as the multimedia or gaming keyboard are in existance as well.

Mouse (Human-captured)
The mouse, a casing that consists of two or more buttons which user's hold beneath their hands,
functions as a pointing device.
This little device works by detecting two-dimensional motion relative to its supporting surface and moves the pointer or arrow that is displayed on the monitor. In simple words, move the mouse left and witness the pointer go left. Move right and right the pointer goes. Most modern mouses, if not all of them, features other elements besides buttons such as the wheel which enables the user to perform various functions such as scrolling up and down a page with ease. If you're wondering about it, yes, the mouse got its name due to its resemblance with their mammal counterpart.

Joystick (Human-captured)
The batang gembira, used mostly for playing certain computer games got its idea adopted from the "joystick" of aircrafts and it is no coincidence. Technically, a joystick is an input device that is a stick pivoting on the base which is full of buttons and a trigger. Almost similar to the mouse, a joystick reports its angle and direction to the device it is controlling. So tilt the stick forward, and witness your in-game pointer moving up. However some programs which are mostly gaming programs enable a "reverse" system which interchange the up and down directions. In such cases, tilting the stick forward will cause the pointer to go downwards. It would seem cool to play first person shooter games or FPS with a joystick, but the combination of the mouse and keyboard provides more accuracy for control of your character or arms.

Microphone (Human-captured)
Also known as the mike or mic, the microphone is an acoustic-to-electric input device that converts sound waves into an electric signal. On the stage, the microphone is the ultimate weapon in every vocalist's arsenal. On the workstation, it is a device used by audiences to converse with one another through the online world. It can also be used to record data in the form of sound. The computing microphone brings convenience into our lives because with it we do not have to rely on typing all the time and reduce finger fatigue. The microphone enables gamers to strategise more efficiently and college students to discuss group fun tasks through the internet in their individual workstations without having to be physically together.

Smartcard (Machine-captured)
Definition? Pocket-sized cards embedded with integrated circuits which processes information. The smart card is also referred to as chip card or integrated circuit card (ICC). With ICC applications with as the cash register, the smart card can recieve processed input and be delivered as an output. These PVC or ABS plastic cards may be embed a hologram to avoid counterfeiting. The benifits of these smart cards is that it allows effective business transactions due to flexibility, security as well as minimising human intervention.

Scanners (Machine-captured)
The computing scanner is an input device that scans objects or images that are placed on its glass window and converts it into a digital image which is saved in the memory of the computer. Modern scanners such as the desktop scanner or the flatbed scanner which are commonly found in offices uses a couple-charge device (CCD) or a Contact Image Sensor (CIS) as the image sensor. Some of the qualifying parameters for a scanner is the color depth which is measured in bits and resolution which is measured in pixels per inch.

Monday, July 7, 2008

hi ppl

Greetings readers. I'm just going to briefly state my bio unprocessed information or bio data in short. My name is Shinn and I have been appointed as group leader for the group Ares and the reason for this is that they just wanted to pick me. So, fine I accept the position. I am a student of Sunway College and am trying to adept to the new environment I am currently in as well as waking up early in the morning for the sake of not being caught in the massive traffic jam.

I enjoy sleeping, eating, and i live to eat. So you could say I enjoy life. The other things I enjoy includes jamming, relaxing, and watching machinima videos. I think that Arby n the Chief pwns all other videos on youtube and that is a fact. One of the activities on my daily routine includes logging onto MSN and that is just pure 1337. My favourite perk is the Martyrdom althought I never got to play COD4 in my life yet but Martyrdom is just plain ossim(awesome).

And finally,i think mast3r ch33f is a preety cool guy,eh kills aleins n doesnt afraid of anything. =D

and btw this will teach u something bout computers

p.s. homeworks are overrated?


Hi everyone, I am Xue Er but I'm usually known as Cheryl (not Rachel). Most of you would know the location of the Lumut port which is about 15 minutes drive from my hometown, Sitiawan, Perak. I graduated from SMK Methodist ACS in year 2007 which makes me 18 this year. Hopefully, I'll graduate as an Accountant and start my first day of work before I get my golden key.

Basically my hobby is playing non-violent games. It doesn't matter what. As long as it includes having fun with friends and family like badminton, swimming, tennis, cards and the outdoors. I also enjoy playing the piano and the violin especially with my brother which I extremely miss... If Mr. Bill will be so kind enough to not give us too much homework, then i might also take up dancing classes. And maybe find time to catch up with forever increasing amount of interesting fiction story books available in MPH (not the multipurpose hall ah).

Mind you, I'm not good in anything actually. I still don't know what I like of dislike. I'm not even sure that Accounting is the right course for me (parent's suggestion). As I battle my way through this 3-year-course, I hope that I'll learn more about myself and in the process, not be so forgetful, gain more sense of direction, and not fall asleep in class.

Did I mention that I like to make friends? Of course, forgive me if I still can't remember your names. :)
First of all, I am glad to be at Sunway University College to pursue CAT programme and become your classmate. Nice to meet you all! My name is Pei Leng, from Taping, Perak. Do feel free to visit me, as I will be very happy. Now currently stay in Sun U Apartment, with Cheryl, my lovely roommate and Jian qin, my cute housemate. We are having great time together!

I don’t have any hobby, as I like to sleep during free time. I love freedom; I hate people controlling my life and decide for me. I just hate that! I love to hang out with my friends especially with my best pal.

My aims are to complete ACCA course within 3 years, without resit any papers and become a chartered accountant in the future. So that, I can entirely free from homework. That’s all from me. Thanks!
Hey there, I'm currently a full-time student at Sunway University College under CAT programme. Actually I didn't really get to adopt to the environment here as people around are all strangers to me. Even in class also I didn't really get to know lots of friends as I like to hang at my place doing nothing. Luckily that I have my classmates staying together with me in the same unit in Sun U apartment and thus at least I still get some accompanion here.
I used to be a naughty girl, and yet now still I am. The me that you see will never be the real me as I also can't really sure that who I am. However I agree what my lecturer told us in class, I AM NOT GOING TO BE WHO I AM NOW. One day later I will be someone else, someone that get fully control in my own life. I hate for being under control of others, and by the same way i don't like to control others as well.
Well overall what I can tell about myself is that I'm an ordinary girl that wish to be not just ordinary. Get to know more about me?? Meet me on my friendster. HAHA
Oh ya!! Just forgot to introduce myself. I'm Jian Qin from Benta, Pahang and you can call me MoNKeY if you catch a difficulty in pronouncing my name. See ya!!^^*